Try Again in Minutes Nokia Lumia Reddit

It's difficult to unplug these days. PCs, tablets, smartphones—even a large selection of dwelling appliances—can wirelessly connect to the net at the button of a button. Devices buzz with emails, notifications, and status updates at all hours of the twenty-four hours, making it hard to concentrate. Your Android phone is no exception, but at that place are ways to arrive less annoying.

1. Disable Bloatware Apps

delete bloatware

Whether your phone was made by Samsung, Google, or OnePlus, it comes pre-installed with a number of apps you probably don't want. This bloatware tin come courtesy of your telephone's manufacturer or carrier, Google, and even unrelated licensing deals from the likes of Amazon or Microsoft. Ultimately, these apps—many of which you will never use—take up infinite and resource on your phone.

While bloatware is not unique to mobile devices, information technology'south most insidious on phones because of their limited computational resources. A Samsung device may come with multiple apps pre-installed from Amazon, Facebook, Google, or Microsoft, earlier fifty-fifty getting to the visitor'southward own collection of programs.

A brand new phone may perform fine with this actress baggage, but later a few years, space will exist thin. Delete unwanted apps to costless up your phone'due south background resources past long-pressing on an app icon to prompt the disable selection. Or access private app options nether Apps in the Settings menu.

2. Turn Off Auto Effulgence

adaptive brightness

Have you ever noticed your screen suddenly dimming or brightening all by itself? That's machine brightness, besides known every bit adaptive brightness on some devices. While it's useful in theory, it can overcompensate or modify also suddenly for some. If yous find it besides jarring, you can turn it off.

Navigate to your telephone's Display settings or open the pull-down shade and disable the feature. Y'all can and so manually move the slider to your desired effulgence. The blue light filter, meanwhile, can as well assistance you lot snooze better.

iii. Turn on Dark Fashion

dark mode

How many of you roll over in the morning, grab your phone, and scroll your notifications with one eye airtight to block out the screen'southward blinding light? Get some relief by turning on dark mode, which has been an OS-wide theme selection since Android 10. If yous accept a Samsung device running Android ix (Pie), yous should also be able to make the switch.

You should be able to turn it on from the Brandish settings or quick settings menu. Keep it on permanently or set up it to go on and off at specific times. If you don't want organization-wide dark mode, turn it on for certain apps instead.

4. Manage Your Notifications


If your social media or game alerts are getting too aggressive, shut them off by going into the notifications settings and viewing a list of apps to toggle off. You can get even more granular by borer the app's name to disable visible and audible notifications.

Some apps likewise let y'all turn off alerts for specific in-app features, while leaving others on. For instance, Facebook lets you lot turn off notifications for tags, comments, and reminders contained of each other.

Notifications tin can also be dealt with directly from the pull-downward shade. If you have an abrasive notification on the screen, long-press on it to either turn off that kind of warning or go straight to the app'southward settings.

five. Enable Exercise Not Disturb

do not disturb

By default, your phone will ping you when someone comments on your latest Instagram mail, likes your tweet, or sends an email—fifty-fifty if it's 3 a.k. If y'all need your sleep—or a break from alerts birthday—prepare Do Not Disturb. You tin can find this characteristic under Sounds or Notifications.

Turn information technology on to immediately mute all incoming calls and alerts, or schedule it to activate at a certain fourth dimension or day of the week. If yous're worried about emergencies, you can allow certain contacts and apps to break through past calculation them to your list of exceptions.

half dozen. Rearrange Quick Settings Buttons

quick settings

One of the all-time features on an Android phone is the pull-downwardly shade. Simply slide your finger down from the top of the screen, so pull downwardly the superlative lineup of settings for easy access to Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, Location, Airplane mode, and more than. Some of these settings will be more useful than others, though.

Maybe you don't actually use things similar Wi-Fi calling or NFC, but like having the ability to prepare your phone to vibrate, toggle Location on/off, or access the flashlight with a single tap. Open quick settings and observe the Edit push button, then button unused settings to a second folio or remove them completely.

Anything you lot place in the tiptop row of the quick settings menu will be attainable from the notification shade, so put your favorites here.

7. Customize Your Lock Screen Settings

lock screen

Your Android telephone offers several ways to protect your device, but having to input a countersign or biometric hallmark every fourth dimension you want to utilise your phone can get annoying. An easy fashion to fix this is to set a timer for the phone'due south motorcar-lock feature so the screen doesn't lock immediately. Look for the auto lock or secure lock page nether the lock screen settings to ready the phone to lock several seconds or minutes after the screen turns off.

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Yous tin can too prepare specific parameters for when your device should remain unlocked—when it'due south being carried, in a trusted place, or near a trusted device. This means you won't have to authentic when y'all're at home, or almost your car's Bluetooth, for instance.


Are yous constantly swiping and pecking at folders to find your favorite apps? Simplify with widgets—live app windows that offering quick views of your apps without having to actually tap into the programme. Apply them to check the weather, peek at your inbox, or command music at a glance.

To create a widget, long-press anywhere on a home screen page and tap the widgets link in the pop-up menu. Swipe through a list of apps that accept available widgets (not all apps do), tap the 1 you lot want, and drag it into an open up sector. Y'all tin can adjust the size and shape of a widget in gild to fit everything onto your domicile screen.

9. Disable Bixby Once and for All

disable bixby

Are y'all the owners of a Samsung device? If so, you have admission to the Bixby virtual banana, which you accept probably never used. If you're sick of accidentally tapping the side push button and calling upon Bixby, you tin can disable the characteristic entirely and even reassign the side key to something more useful.

Head to Settings > Avant-garde features and disable Bixby Routines, so tap Side primal. You can now alter the office of the side push button and remove Bixby from the equation. Make it then that a double press either launches the photographic camera or opens a different app, and alter the press and hold activeness to open up the power off menu.

ten. Keep the Bombardment Going

power saving mode

The most annoying matter your phone tin can practise is run out of juice when you need it almost. Smartphone batteries are bigger and more than powerful than ever, but so are displays, which means power can get sucked away faster than you realize. There are some things you tin do to get a little extra life out of your phone, but your best bet is to utilize Power Saving Fashion.

All Android devices volition have this feature, though some manufacturers may accept more options than others. Find this fashion hidden within the Battery settings, where you tin turn down CPU speed, subtract brightness, and even limit app availability. Some phones may also have several predetermined levels of power savings.

Y'all can also put unused apps to slumber if you'd rather them not work in the background and eat up precious bombardment life. Await for an option chosen background usage limits, or something like. You tin then tell your phone to put unused apps to sleep, and add together certain apps to specific restriction levels.

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