Audio-technica Bluetooth Adapter and Amplifier for Audio Technica Ath-m50x - Bal-m50x Review

Edit: I merely desire to clarify for some people who didn't become this. I ain these headphones. I am not merely writing a review based off of ignorant opinion of going off a detest railroad train. I bought these headphones and I'm giving my honest impressions. I am willing to admit I messed up and they aren't very good.

For those of you who have decided to get into the realm of audiophile headphones you have probably heard of the Audio Technica ATH-M50X. When you say, "I want to get into audiophile headphones and I have a budget of $150 or less." you volition nearly likely get tons of people maxim "GET THE M50XS THEY ARE Then GOOOOOOOD" No they are non. I am baffled as to why anyone would recommend these headphones. First let me say why these are popular.

These headphones are pop because of a genius marketing strategy that Audio Technica has used. They sent the M50Xs to tech Youtubers who are not audiophiles and in plow gave them rave reviews because they don't know any better. I fully blame this MKBHD review for most of the sales of these headphones. I will tell you that none of the tech Youtubers know annihilation about audio and you shouldn't accept advice on headphones, DACs, Amps, or anything else of that realm from them. This is list includes, simply is not limited to, Linus Tech Tips, MKBHD, Unbox Therapy, Austin Evans, Jayztwocents, Hardware Canucks, Tech Source, Tek Syndicate, Dave2D, etc... Now I already know what you are thinking, "That'due south a bold statement. Why should I trust you lot over all these massive Youtubers that must know more of what they are talking about than yous?" Honestly, I am non going to fifty-fifty answer that question, by that logic why take whatsoever tech advice from anyone on any forum considering they must manifestly know less than the Youtubers. The reason y'all shouldn't trust them is that they are not audiophiles. True audiophiles will point of the flaws in their audio reviews and the lack of total noesis of the subject. Have Linus' Audio Blaster sound card review from a few months ago. In that video he didn't explain what an Amp and DAC was properly at all. He didn't even wear the headphones the correct way in the video. You need to accept the advice of actual audiophile people when you want to become advice on headphones.

The next affair you are thinking is that, "I have a pair of M50Xs and they sound bully, so you are obviously wrong." Okay they sound slap-up, but compared to what? If all you accept ever used was Apple earbuds and Beats, then aye M50Xs sound amazing. Only you have no context. Have you tried other similarly price or fifty-fifty cheaper headphones? If you accept no context you can't say that the M50Xs are practiced. If all you have ever seen for your whole life was 720p, 1080p might look astonishing. But there is withal 4K and that'south better yet. You lot have to have context of what's available in a spectrum within $100 of where you sit down.  I will become into recommendations at the end of this review, simply I would take the $5 Venture Electronics Monk Plus earbuds over the M50Xs. I think office of the trouble of why the M50Xs are however so pop is the fact that people cannot admit the fact that they fabricated a error and bought a bad product. I will fully acknowledge, I am as guilty of this as many of you are. Before I became an audiophile I did watch this same MKBHD video and I bought a set. And simply similar many of y'all I idea they were amazing. But then I started hearing other headphones. And of a sudden my eyes were open to the utter load of crap the M50Xs are.



These headphones are of average build at best. The plastics are kind of cheap feeling and the creak a bit. The headband is an alright feeling pleather as are the pads. Speaking of the pads they are a thin 3 knuckle pad. (Build: 5/x)


The comfort on these is alright. The padding on the headband isn't much, only information technology works. Their biggest problem is the pads are thin and your ear hits the inside of the driver. This isn't an effect short term just starts to hurt afterwards well-nigh an hour. They are also pretty low-cal which helps a lot. Not crazy comfortable, but they are fine. (Condolement: half dozen/10)

Misc, Wires, Ability, and Accessories:

The M50Xs come with iii wires that are all ok. They are all 3.5mm and apply a locking 2.5mm for the connecting to the headphone. One is 4ft, one is a 6ft coiled cable that looks to stretch to around 10ft that has a proprietary screw on i/4in adapter, and the last is a straight 10ft with the same slice for the unmarried screw on 1/4in adapter. These don't come in whatsoever presentation box like the HD6XXs do, however they exercise include a carrying bag which is kind of nice. Every bit for ability, these are about the easiest headphones to bulldoze there are. I don't know if any of you always fabricated a murphy battery in school, only that matter could push M50Xs. These will have no problem running off any source you want, be information technology a phone or a laptop. These are so like shooting fish in a barrel to drive that the tiny bit of sound leakage my Amp has at 0% is enough for virtually 25% volume on these, and I can't even hear the leakage on anything else. On my X7S these are anywhere from 8:xxx to x:00 depending on the song, while something similar the T50s sits near three:00-5:00. The M50Xs are too foldable which is dainty for travel and the ear cups rotate 270 degrees.


This is where these headphones suffer the most they just don't sound expert and have major flaws.

Overall Audio:

If you ever hear anyone say M50Xs are flat and are not bad for monitoring, you should instantly know they don't know what they are talking about. These are the nigh Five shaped headphones I've always heard. Now these are not similar most headphones that are V shaped where it is somewhat even, these are the most lopsided V I have ever heard. This graph is honestly what they sound like. Slightly elevated bass, garbage mids, and just the most murderous treble yous've ever heard. (Overall Audio: 3/10)


Mid Range:

The mid range on these headphones is absolutely atrocious. I don't know how no one realizes this. It is also confusing to me. The M50Xs are somehow mid focused and muddy at the aforementioned time, which is a weird combination. The vocals no doubt sit forward in the music, they aren't veiled similar something such equally the HD650s, but the vocals are and so muddy. They take no clarity and sound unbelievably muddy and distorted. It's near hard to describe, simply they practise vocals incredibly poorly. (Vocals: 3/ten)


Oh boy hither we get. These are the 2nd highest treble headphone I've ever used falling just short of their bigger brother the ATH-M70X. Only that doesn't make them any ameliorate. The treble on these headphones is accented murder. This is outside of the range where you could contend treble sensitivity, this is likewise much for any human existence. I'm going to link a few tracks afterwards for people with M50Xs to heed to and it will show you how insane and unbearable it is. It truly hurts to listen to and in that location are some songs that I flat out tin can't listen to. Information technology feels like someone is stabbing a knife in you ears.....really no that would hurt less than these do. Talk most fatiguing to listen to, these are nigh the virtually fatiguing headphones there are. And the sad part is the treble isn't fifty-fifty good. In that location a ton of it and it is super pronounced, but it has no sparkle or clarity, it's very wearisome. Listening to the same tracks through my 6XXs, Mayflower T50s, and 1997 pair of HD500As, all have less treble, merely they all have some crispness that these do non.  (Amount of Treble: 10/ten) (Quality of Treble: four/ten)


This is the M50Xs best category, but they still don't do great. They have some bass for sure, more than HD650s, just non quite on the level of the T50RPs. Still though more than plenty for EDM and gaming. Now the bass itself is also boilerplate. You hear information technology, but it is not focused and is very loose. Bass should have a boom or pop audio, while these accept more than of a blah sound (very technical audiophile terms right there xD). They aren't bass monsters like some people like to think, but they are alright in this category. (Bass Amount: half dozen/10) (Bass Quality: five/10)


These headphones don't image well either. They have some, only it is very vague. I wouldn't even requite them an average score. (Imaging: 3/10)

Sound Phase:

These have no sound stage. Nothing ever sounds like it comes from outside of the cups and they have some of the narrowest sound stage I've always heard only shy of the Sennheiser HD280 Pro. (Sound Stage: two/10)


These are the headphones that I am distressing to say I've used the nigh for gaming of any headphones. I've endemic these fore years and I have played a lot with them. Once more I lacked context.  They accept the depression end, only they don't actually have the audio phase or imaging for foot steps. I wouldn't recommend these for gaming either because they don't fit into either category of gaming headphone, either the crazy bassy fun headphones, or the super authentic footstep headphones. (Gaming: 4/ten)

Test Tracks:

Here are a few tracks that I call up bear witness off the flaws of the M50Xs, particularly the treble. If you own a pair attempt and listen to these songs loudly and see if you tin can stand up it, I certainly tin't.

I am not going to do any straight compaisions in this review because I don't have any headphones that I would consider truthful competitors. The closest thing I have are my T50RPs, but they have had some modding done to them and are now twice the price of M50Xs so that'southward not a fair comparison.


I don't know why these headphones are popular and who they are for. Anybody must accept bought into the marketing because they are terrible. They aren't bass cans, so not for bass heads. Their mid range is absolutely horrendous and dirty, and then not for vocal people. Their treble is ear bleedingly too abrupt and impossible to listen to.They aren't monitoring cans considering they are V shaped and are not neutral like you want monitoring headphones to be. They aren't for gamers because they don't have the bass, imaging, or sound stage to meet either of the two categories of gamers. They also do a terrible job at producing micro details. At present the ones that they do produce they are super intense and just bash them into your caput and are super fatiguing. I know a lot of people would say, "The M50Xs are overpriced and if they were under $100 they would be pretty expert." I disagree with that 100%. I don't think these headphones are adept for basically any price. Their treble is so insane I just can't utilize them. As I said the $5 Venture Electronics Monk Plus earbuds, are better than M50Xs. Earlier y'all call me crazy, go buy a set and see, they are $five yous have nothing to loose. The M50Xs truly are terrible headphones and none of you lot should ever buy them. If you own a set, effort and sell them I will give some recommendations of other headphones that are alternatives to M50Xs around the same price. All of these are going to be $150 or less


Sound Technica ATH-M40X:

A thing that's hard for people to grasp is simply because something has a bigger number doesn't mean information technology's meliorate. Let's await at Lamborghini. The cheaper Huracan is quicker to lx MPH despite less horsepower because of a better manual. Similarly the M40X is a much amend headphone than the M50X. However they only demand ane thing washed to them, they need HM5 pads added to them. So if you lot add together the $22 pads to the $lxxx M40Xs y'all get a headphone that has more sound stage than M50Xs, less highs, better mid range, and comparable if not slightly more low end. They are an awesome gaming headphone and also smashing for music.

Takstar Pro 82:

These headphones are cheaper and have a very counterbalanced well rounded sound. Non a ton of sound phase, but are unbelievably comfortable. They exercise a great task at producing micro details and have spectacular imaging. They too have a iii way bass switch and will satisfy the needs of all y'all bass heads out at that place. Also they come with a crazy prissy case.

Condition Audio CB-1:

Another well rounded headphone. Good audio stage and imaging. Good bass with controlled high and adept mid range. Very comfortable, only not the best congenital headphones e'er.

Audio Technica ATH-WS1100iS:

Technically these are semi-open up. These are a much prettier, much a improve congenital ready of M50Xs. They don't have the INSANE BASS like claimed on the box, only they still accept more than the M50Xs. Their highs are nevertheless a bit high, but tolerable. Mid range is ok, but not spectacular. Not much sound stage, but these are a great gaming headphone. They even come with a mic for all you who desire to use them as a gaming headphone. For music these should be tubed to make them sound astonishing. These are what the M50Xs should of been and they are basically the same price.

Monoprice Retro:This is another one where yous are going to call me crazy for saying $25 headphone are better than M50Xs. Believe whatever you desire to, but these are amazing. Insane bass and sound stage. Their highs and mid range is likewise shockingly expert for a $25 set of headphones. These are ane of the best gaming headphones there are just because of that hilarious low cease and sound stage. Imaging is also shockingly good. They do however benefit from some Brainwavz Xl Pads if you have a chip more money to spend. When these come dorsum in stock I'g ownership a prepare.


Phillips SHP9500:

One of my e'er go to headphones. They sound a lot like HD600s with a scrap more sound stage and low end.

Sennheiser HD559:

If you are looking for gaming headphones accept these over the more pop HD598. They are not as clean overall, but have more depression end which makes them a bit better for gaming. They have that classic easy to heed to Sennheiser sound.

Sennheiser HD598:

These are very popular headphones. Probably some of the best nether $200. They are a bit more than M50Xs, merely often can be establish on sale for around $100. These are merely a step below something similar the HD6XX or K7XX.

Hifiman Edition S:

These can be used open or closed with removable covers, but are better open up. These are a portable headphone and have the foldability like the M50X. These are surprisingly good. They aren't on ears like they claim, they are small over ears. They exercise have some sharper highs, but are very fun with good low finish and practiced imaging.

Thanks for reading my review. I know it'southward long overdue. I hope I accept opened your optics as to why the M50Xs are terrible and hopefully prevented someone from buying them.


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